Mohamed Sifaoui

Mohamed Sifaoui is an Algerian-French journalist and commentator. He has written a number of books on Islamism, including La France malade de l’Islamisme, Sur les traces de Bin Laden and L’Affaire des caricatures.

As of 2021, he editor of the magazine Contre-TERRORISME and director of the TV station



Human Rights

Freedom of Expression and Defamation of Religion with Angela Wu, Patrick Gaubert, Brett Schaefer, Caroline Fourest, Mohamed Sifaoui, Floyd Abrams

A panel including scholar and practitioner of international religious liberty law, Angela Wu; Senior Research Fellow in International Regulatory Affairs for The Heritage Foundation, Brett Schaefer; expert on US constitutional law and freedom of speech, Floyd Abrams; director, teacher, columnist, and the co-founder of the journal ProChoix who has previously