Mu Sochua

Mu Sochua is an outspoken activist and opposition politician from Cambodia.

The daughter of disappeared Sino Khmer parents, she returned to Cambodia from the US in 1991 to rebuild Cambodia, first by founding Khemara, an NGO for women’s empowerment, and then by joining the FUNCINPEC political party.

Sochua went on to win a seat in Parliament, serving as Minister for Women’s and Veteran’s Affairs from 1998-2004. As the government became increasingly corrupt, Sochua made the decision to step down and join the official opposition, becoming Vice President of Cambodia’s National Rescue Party.

She was forced into exile in 2017, after the Cambodian President threatened her freedom and physical integrity.



My Fight for a Free Cambodia with Mu Sochua

Mu Sochua, Cambodian political opposition leader and president of the Khmer Movement for Democracy, addresses the 16th annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy | May 15, 2024