Abraham Jiménez Enoa is a prominent Afro-Cuban journalist forced into exile.
Over the course of his journalistic career, Jiménez Enoa has devoted himself to revealing the true realities of life under authoritarian rule in Cuba. His work has come at the expense of repeated persecution by the Cuban authorities. Despite facing violent interrogations, arbitrarily enforced restrictions, blocked internet access, and house arrest, he continued writing, cementing himself as an outspoken critic.
Jiménez Enoa was a pioneer in the Cuban media community, co-founding El Estornudo, the first independent Cuban magazine dedicated to narrative journalism. It was later one of the first publications blocked by the regime.
As a columnist for The Washington Post and a regular contributor to numerous publications such as The New York Times, BBC World, Aljazeera, Vice News, El País, and Revista Gatopardo, Jiménez Enoa has exposed gross human rights violations committed by the Cuban regime.
Following his coverage of the 2021 anti-government protests, Jiménez Enoa was confronted with an impossible choice by the Cuban regime. He could either leave the country immediately or stay forever and face imprisonment and the persecution of his family. He fled for Spain with his family soon after.
In exile, Jiménez Enoa published La Isla Oculta: Historias de Cuba (translation: The Hidden Island: Stories of Cuba), a compilation of his articles on the real Cuba. Highlighting the regime’s violent and undemocratic rule, the book highlights the continued plight of the ordinary Cuban in face of totalitarianism.
Jiménez Enoa has earned international recognition for his work, winning the International Press Freedom Award from the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and the Michael Jacobs Scholarship Grant from the Gabo Foundation among other distinctions.