10th Geneva Summit: In the News

Media Mentions of the 2018 Geneva Summit

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Wall Street Journal op-ed on the Geneva Summit by speaker Maryam Nayab Yazdi: Life in an Iranian Dungeon for Being a Tech Expert

CNN interview with Geneva Summit speaker Bill Browder, leader of the successful campaign to adopt the Magnitsky Act: Video

Reuters interview with Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Antonio Ledezma: Ex-mayor of Caracas says opposition won’t take part in Venezuela elections

Reuters feature covering Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States at the Geneva Summit: Harsher sanctions needed against Venezuela, targeting oil: OAS chief

AFP article on Geneva Summit speaker Evan Mawarire, a leading Zimbabwean opposition activist: Zimbabwe: l’activiste Mawarire doute de la régularité de la prochaine présidentielle

AFP article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Venezuela: un dirigeant de l’opposition en appelle au droit d’«ingérence». Published in Libération, L’Express, La Croix, La Pays, La Nouvelle Tribune

Swiss TV interview with Geneva Summit speaker Asli Erdogan, a Turkish novelist and recent political prisoner: Video

l’Opinion article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Antonio Ledezma: « Il faut sauver le Venezuela de la répression et de la faim »

TV5Monde interview with recipient of the 2018 Geneva Summit Women’s Rights Award,  Congolese activist Julienne Lusenge who fights rape as a weapon of war: Video 

Deutsche Welle feature on Geneva Summit speaker Kenneth Bae, a survivor of a North Korean gulag: Gestärkt zurück aus nordkoreanischer Gefangenschaft

Deutsche Welle on Geneva Summit speaker Lam Wing-kee, abducted by Chinese authorities for selling politically sensitive books: Bizarres Drama um verschleppten Hongkonger Verleger

Deutsche Welle on Geneva Summit speaker Lam Wing-kee, abducted by Chinese authorities for selling politically sensitive books:林荣基专访:到台湾继续开铜锣湾书店

Express article on Fred and Cindy Warmbier, parents of the American student who was tortured to death by North Korea, speaking at the Geneva Summit: Otto Warmbier’s parents warn about what Kim will ‘do to the world’

Daily Beast article on Geneva Summit speaker Bill Browder w: Bill Browder ‘Briefly Detained’ After Filing Corruption Claim Against Swiss Prosecutor

Radio France Internationale article on Geneva Summit speaker Lam Wing-kee, abducted by Chinese authorities for selling politically sensitive books: A Genève, un libraire Hongkongais dénonce «l’oppression» exercée par Pékin. Vietnamese version: Tại Geneve : Chủ hiệu sách Hồng Kông tố cáo Bắc Kinh áp bức nhân quyền.

Radio France Internationale feature on Geneva Summit speaker Guillermo Fariñas Hernández, a Cuban dissident: A Genève, le dissident Farinas exige que l’UE soit plus ferme envers Cuba. Vietnamese coverage: Cuba : Chủ tịch Raul Castro tiếp nghị sĩ Mỹ

EL Economista feature on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Antonio Ledezma: “el principio de autodeterminación de los pueblos debe dar preeminencia al principio de injerencia humanitaria”

L’Echo interview with Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Antonio Ledezma: “Le Venezuela est devenu une colonie cubaine”

Radio Télévision Suisse interview with Geneva Summit speaker Vladimir Kara-Murza, a leading dissident against the Putin regime: audio

Radio Télévision Suisse interview with Geneva Summit speaker Asli Erdogan, a Turkish novelist and recent political prisoner: Video

La Razon feature on Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States at the Geneva Summit: Luis Almagro: Almagro pide sanciones «más duras» contra el chavismo y «una intervención que rescate» Venezuela

La Liberté article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Le maire de Caracas dit que l’opposition vénézuélienne boudera la présidentielle

Blick interview with Geneva Summit speaker Farida Abbas Khalaf, a freed Yazidi ISIS slave: Video

Blick interview with Geneva Summit speaker Kenneth Bae, a survivor of a North Korean gulag: Video

Blick interview with Geneva Summit speaker Vladimir Kara-Murza, a leading dissident against the Putin regime: Video

SwissInfo feature on Geneva Summit speaker Vladimir Kara-Murza, a leading dissident against the Putin regime: Un opposant à Poutine estime à Genève la Russie “à un tournant”. Russian version: Награда «За мужество» для Владимира Кара-Мурзы в Женеве

SwissInfo article on Geneva Summit speaker Bill Browder who lead a successful campaign to adopt the Magnitsky Act: Браудера допросили в женевском аэропорту

SwissInfo article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Ex-mayor of Caracas says opposition won’t take part in Venezuela elections

Swissinfo interview with Geneva Summit speaker Maria-Alejandra Aristeguieta Alvarez, a leading Venezuelan opposition activist: Sauve qui peut au Venezuela. Italian version: Fuggifuggi dal Venezuela. German version: Rette sich wer kann in Venezuela

Swissinfo article on Geneva Summit speaker Maria-Alejandra Aristeguieta Alvarez: Swiss banks should be scrutinised for dirty money, says Venezuelan opposition activist

Tribune de Genève interview with Geneva Summit speaker Vladimir Kara-Murza, a leading dissident against the Putin regime: «Nous n’avons pas eu d’élections libres en Russie depuis 18 ans». Also appeared in 24 heures

Radio Free Asia article on Geneva Summit speakers Fred and Cindy Warmbier, parents of the American student who was tortured to death by North Korea:웜비어 부친 “아들 죽음 북 당국이 책임져야”

VOA feature covering Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States, at the Geneva Summit: Chief: Harsher Sanctions Needed Against Venezuela, Targeting Oil

Le Pays article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Venezuela: un dirigeant de l’opposition en appelle au droit d'”ingérence”

El Tiempo feature on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Ledezma urge a comunidad internacional a resolver crisis en Venezuela

24 heures article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Venezuela: «Maduro est affaibli mais encore plus dangereux»

Today Online article covering Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States, at the Geneva Summit:Luis Almagro:“We must starve the regime financially”

VOA Afrique article on Geneva Summit speaker Evan Mawarire, a leading Zimbabwean opposition activist: L’activiste Mawarire doute de la régularité de la prochaine présidentielle au Zimbabwe

Radiotelevisione svizzera article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: “Non avalleremo questa frode”

Romandie feature on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Venezuela: un dirigeant de l’opposition en appelle au droit d'”ingérence”

Noticias Venezuela article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Ledezma: “Es una paradoja que el régimen sea miembro del Consejo de DD. HH.”

Afrique Femme feature on the 2018 Geneva Summit Women’s Rights Award recipient, the Congolese activist Julienne Lusenge: Droits de la femme : la militante Julienne Lusenge à l`honneur au sommet de Genève 

Journal du Cameroun article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Venezuela: un dirigeant de l’opposition en appelle au droit d’ »ingérence »

Stabroek feature covering Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States, at the Geneva Summit: Harsher sanctions needed against Venezuela, targeting oil: OAS chief

Africa News article on Geneva Summit speaker Evan Mawarire, a leading Zimbabwean opposition activist: Zimbabwean activist casts doubts over credibility of July elections

Africa News article and video on the 2018 Geneva Summit Women’s Rights Award recipient, the Congolese activist Julienne Lusenge: Droits de la femme : la militante Julienne Lusenge à l’honneur au sommet de Genève

Bluewin article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Le maire de Caracas dit que l’opposition vénézuélienne boudera la présidentielle

Bulgarian News Agency article on the Geneva Summit: Switzerland Human Rights Summit

El Nacional article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Ledezma: Es una paradoja que el régimen sea miembro del consejo de DD HH

SRN News article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Ex-mayor of Caracas says opposition won’t take part in Venezuela elections

El Heraldo article on Geneva Summit speaker Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States: Luis Almagro anuncia que investigaran denuncia de Julio Arbizu sobre funcionalidad, racismo y xenofobia en la Maccih

The Peninsula Qatar article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Ex-Caracas mayor calls for Venezuela ‘intervention’

Venezuela Mundial article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Ledezma: Es una paradoja que Maduro sea miembro del Consejo de DDHH de las Naciones Unidas

AfricaTime feature on the 2018 Geneva Summit Women’s Rights Award recipient, the Congolese activist Julienne Lusenge: Une militante du droit des femmes en RDC primée à Genève

Jerusalem Post article including praise of Geneva Summit speakers: “they’re simply morally upright, confronting dictators”

Swazi Observer article on Geneva Summit speaker Evan Mawarire, a leading Zimbabwean opposition activist: Pastor Evan Mawarire warns Zimbabwe elections may be rigged

Noticia article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Antonio Ledezma asegura que oposición no participará en elecciones en Venezuela

Diario Contraste article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner:Ledezma en Cumbre de Derechos Humanos en Ginebra

Telemetro article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Opositor Ledezma pide intervención internacional en Venezuela

ATS article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Le président vénézuélien appelle à des législatives anticipées. Published by RJB, RTN.

The Gazette article on the Geneva Summit: Switzerland Human Rights Summit 

Linea directa portal article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Opositor Ledezma pide injerencia humanitaria internacional 

Dagen feature on Geneva Summit speaker Kenneth Bae, a survivor of a North Korean gulag: Missionären Kenneth Bae överlevde fångenskap i Nordkorea

El Nuevo Pais article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Ledezma: Quiero pedirle al mundo que pose sus ojos en Venezuela y vean como mueren ciudadanos inocentes

El periodico Mexico article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Antonio Ledezma pide a comunidad internacional que intervenga en Venezuela

Africa1 article on Geneva Summit speaker Evan Mawarire, a leading Zimbabwean opposition activist: Zimbabwe: l’activiste Mawarire doute de la régularité de la prochaine présidentielle

NTN24america article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: “No me sentiré libre hasta que la justicia internacional capture a los que están destruyendo mi país”: Antonio Ledezma ante panel de DD. HH. en Ginebra

Journal du Cameroun article on Geneva Summit speaker Evan Mawarire, a leading Zimbabwean opposition activist: Zimbabwe: l’activiste Mawarire doute de la régularité de la prochaine présidentielle

anygator feature on Geneva Summit speaker Guillermo Fariñas Hernández, a Cuban dissident: A Genève, le dissident Farinas exige que l’UE soit plus ferme envers Cuba 

Naver article on the Geneva Summit: Switzerland Human Rights Summit

Laboratorio mediatico article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Ledezma: Antonio Ledezma explicó en Ginebra porque Venezuela no debería pertenecer a la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la ONU

Tehran Telegram article on the Geneva Summit: Venezuela, Iran, Russia, Scrutinized at Geneva Summit

A todo momento article on Geneva Summit speaker Antonio Ledezma, the Caracas mayor who recently escaped from being held as a political prisoner: Ledezma: “Es una paradoja que el régimen sea miembro del Consejo de DD. HH.”

v media daum article on the Geneva Summit: Switzerland Geneva Human Rights Democracy 

Central Tibetan Administration article on Geneva Summit speaker Golog Jigme: Former Tibetan Political Prisoner Golog Jigme Speaks at 10th Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy

Phayul article on Geneva Summit speaker Golog Jigme:Universality of human rights under threat: Golog Jigme at Geneva Summit
