

Human Rights

Welcome with Hillel Neuer

Hillel Neuer, international lawyer, diplomat, activist and Executive Director of UN Watch, addresses the 8th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy – see quotes below, followed by full prepared remarks. On the dream of the founders of the UN Commission on Human Rights: “Seventy years ago, Eleanor Roosevelt

Human Rights

Welcome with Hillel Neuer

International lawyer, writer and Executive Director of United Nations Watch, Hillel Neuer, opens the Geneva Summit on behalf of the Summit coalition of 25 NGOs at the 9th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy. Full Remarks Distinguished members of the diplomatic corps, representatives of the United Nations and

Human Rights

Welcome with Hillel Neuer

International lawyer, writer and Executive Director of UN Watch Hillel Neuer gives the opening address at the 10th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy. Full Remarks Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Hillel Neuer. I am the executive director of United Nations Watch. On behalf of the 25


Does Venezuela Deserve to be on the UN Human Rights Council? with Irwin Cotler, Antonio Ledezma, Luis Almagro, María-Alejandra Aristeguieta-Álvarez

Luis Almagro, María-Alejandra Aristeguieta-Álvarez, Irwin Cotler and Antonio Ledezma address the 10th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy. Full Transcript María-Alejandra Aristeguieta-Álvarez: I’m going to translate a few things for Mr. Cotler and some other things for Antonio. In this section, I have six questions: three general questions, one

Human Rights

Welcome with Hillel Neuer

Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch, addresses the 11th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy – see quotes below, followed by full prepared remarks. On the UN Human Rights Council:  “We meet only a few days after the conclusion of the main annual session of today’s United Nations


How the United Nations Fails Venezuela with Diego Arria

Diego Arria, Venezuelan politician and diplomat who served as Venezuela’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations (1991–1993) and President of the Security Council (March 1992), addresses the 11th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy – see quotes below, followed by full prepared remarks. On Venezuela: “Today, Venezuela is a

Human Rights

Reflections on the 75th Anniversary of the UN Charter with Alfred Moses

Alfred Moses, Chair of UN Watch, former U.S. Ambassador to Romania, Special Presidential Envoy for the Cyprus Conflict, and Special Counsel to President Jimmy Carter, addresses the 12th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy – see quotes below, followed by full prepared remarks. On the UN Charter: “Human


Does Maduro Belong on the UNHRC? with María-Alejandra Aristeguieta-Álvarez

Maria-Alejandra Aristeguieta-Alvarez, Ambassador-designate in Switzerland of Venezuelan interim President Juan Guaido, addresses the 12th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy — see quotes below, followed by the full prepared remarks. On the failings of the UN: “The Universal HR system has been documenting and underlining the increasing deterioration of

Welcome with Hillel Neuer

  International lawyer, diplomat and Executive Director of UN Watch, Hillel Neuer delivers day one opening and closing remarks at the 13th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy – see quotes below, followed by full prepared remarks. On the Geneva Summit: “Since 2009, right before the main annual session of

Concluding Remarks with Hillel Neuer

International lawyer, diplomat and Executive Director of UN Watch, Hillel Neuer delivers day two opening and concluding remarks at the 13th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy – see quotes below, followed by full prepared remarks. On the Geneva Summit: “The Geneva Summit provides a unique opportunity to hear testimony from


Diego Arria

Former Venezuelan Ambassador to the UN and President of the Security Council
