by country



Surviving Venezuela’s Torture Chamber with Victor Navarro

Victor Navarro, Venezuelan journalist and human rights defender, addresses the 16th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy –  see below for his remarks. *Vídeo y transcripción en español abajo   Full Remarks: In 2013 my life changed, specifically the day they killed my father. At that time Caracas, the

Human Rights

Venezuela: Building Unity to Challenge Oppression with Hasler Iglesias

Venezuelan youth leader who went into hiding to escape arrest by the Maduro regime, Hasler Iglesias, addresses the 15th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy – see below for his remarks. Full Remarks We humans develop a strong sense of belonging to our motherlands. And for me, that’s Venezuela. But my story

Press Freedom

The Last Newspaper Left with Miguel Henrique Otero

Owner and CEO of Venezuela’s last independent newspaper, El Nacional, Miguel Henrique Otero, speaks at the 14th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy – see quotes below, followed by full prepared remarks. On bringing Chavez to power and seeing him become a dictator: “I met him numerous times, and at

Human Rights

Ending Torture in Venezuela with Diego Arria

Diego Arria, former Venezuelan politician and diplomat who served as Venezuela’s permanent representative to the UN from 1991 to 1993, addresses the 12th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy — see quotes below, followed by full prepared remarks. On the being a Venezuelan pro-democracy activist: “I am one

Human Rights

“I Heard Five Shots” with Rosa Orozco

Rosa Orozco, mother of student Geraldine Moreno killed by the Venezuelan National Guard while protesting against the government in February 2014, addresses the 12th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy — see quotes below, followed by the full prepared remarks. On her daughter being shot and killed by

United Nations

Does Maduro Belong on the UNHRC? with María-Alejandra Aristeguieta-Álvarez

Maria-Alejandra Aristeguieta-Alvarez, Ambassador-designate in Switzerland of Venezuelan interim President Juan Guaido, addresses the 12th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy — see quotes below, followed by the full prepared remarks. On the failings of the UN: “The Universal HR system has been documenting and underlining the increasing deterioration of

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Rights Groups Spotlight Abuses In Oil Rich Regimes As West Seeks New Energy Sources

GENEVA, March 9, 2022 — A coalition of 25 human rights NGOs announced today that dissidents from Saudi Arabia and Venezuela will deliver keynote remarks at the 14th annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy. The move comes as Western countries seek to replace Russian energy with resources from the repressive regimes. Areej al-Sadhan, sister to Saudi

Q&A with Maria Alejandra Aristeguieta

Maria Alejandra Aristeguieta is the former Ambassador-designate in Switzerland of Venezuela interim President Juan Guaido.  Interviewed by Hilary Miller. Editor’s Note: More than having a meticulous and full understanding of the policy failings and economic turmoil in Venezuela, Maria Alejandra Aristeguieta (GS’20) feels deeply how the humanitarian crisis is affecting

Venezuela, Cuba Under U.N. Spotlight as Political Prisoners Gather

  Venezuela, Cuba Under U.N. Spotlight as Political Prisoners Gather Just released from Cuban prison 3 weeks ago, artist and dissident Danilo Maldonado (aka El Sexto) will be in Geneva to testify at the U.N. Activists to address human rights in Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, Turkey, Tibet, Saudi Arabia, North Korea,

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