by country


War Crimes

Surviving the Siege of Aleppo with Waad Al-Kateab

Waad Al-Kateab, Syrian refugee, activist and award-winning filmmaker, addresses the 13th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy – see quotes below, followed by full prepared remarks. On eruption of 2011 Arab Spring in Syria: “The idea that people would fight back was something I’d always dreamed of, but

Human Rights

Speaking out against ISIS with Abdalaziz Alhamza

Abdalaziz Alhamza, award-winning journalist and co-founder of Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, which exposes the atrocities committed by the Assad regime and ISIS, addresses the 11th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy – see quotes below, followed by full prepared remarks. On becoming a citizen journalist: “The local


Rebelling Against Assad with Ibrahim Al-Idelbi

Ibrahim Al-Idelbi, Syrian human rights activist active in the rebel North-West of the country, addresses the 7th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy – see quotes below, followed by translated remarks in English. Quotes: To Be Confirmed Full Remarks: English First of all, I want to thank you for allowing me


Held Captive By Terrorists with Pierre Torres, Tom Gross

French blogger who was captured by ISIS and released after repeated beatings, torture, and psychological abuse, Pierre Torres, and journalist specializing in the Middle East and human rights, Tom Gross, at the 7th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy – see below for full prepared remarks. Full Transcript Moderator: Pierre Torres

Press Freedom

Covering An Uprising with Moayad Iskafe

  Moayad Iskafe, a Syrian journalist who played a central role at the start of the Syrian uprising by organizing a network of local journalists to break Assad’s media siege, addresses the 6th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy – see below for full prepared remarks.   Full Remarks  

Authoritarianism in Syria with Randa Kassis

Randa Kassis, Franco-Syrian politician, journalist, anthropologist, and leading figure in the opposition to Bashar Al Assad’s Syrian regime, addresses the 5th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy –see below her remarks in French, followed by the English translation. Full Remarks: French Bonjour, je vous remercie.  Quand on parle


Authoritarianism: The Police State and Its Victims with Philippe Robinet, Randa Kassis, Dicki Chhoyang, Regis Iglesias Ramirez, Rosa Maria Paya

A panel including Minister for Development and International Relations for the Central Tibetan Administration, Dicki Chhoyang; Franco-Syrian politician, journalist, anthropologist, and leading figure in the opposition to Bashar Al Assad’s Syrian regime, Randa Kassis;  Cuban pro-democracy activist and member of the Coordination Team of the Christian Liberation Movement (MCL), Rosa

Victim Testimonies with Jacques Beres

Jacques Beres, a war surgeon who smuggled himself into Homs in 2012 to help the Syrian people, addresses the 4th Annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy – see below for full prepared remarks.   Full remarks   Saba Farzan: Hello. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Because we are the last panel

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Countries That Backed Russia At UNGA To Be Spotlighted At Rights Summit

GENEVA, March 7, 2022 — On Wednesday the United Nations voted to “deplore” Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and demand the withdrawal of Russian forces. Now the four states that voted with Russia and against the historic resolution—Eritrea, Belarus, Syria and North Korea—are coming under fire and will be featured at the upcoming Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy on

China, Syria, Turkey, Cuba, Pakistan Scrutinized at Virtual Geneva Rights Summit

GENEVA, June 7, 2021 — China, Syria, Turkey, Cuba, and Pakistan were among  governments that came under scrutiny today at an annual assembly of dissidents and former political prisoners who have been oppressed by some of the world’s worst abusers. The 13th annual Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy, organized by a cross-regional coalition of